Tuesday, 30 June 2015

Hello old friends

It's been a little while since I posted here - hello!

I've got a huge back log of photos and content to post from the last 6 months, starting with some pictures of my current doll display/craft room set up. Otherwise known as my 'happy place'.

Given my obsessive tendency for managing my collections and displays, I'm pretty happy with the current set up. I'm also in the process of cataloguing (if that is the correct word) my collections, starting with my Blythe dolls! I recently took some unedited photos of all my current dolls, as they are, and you can see them here if you are interested. My doll collection is fairly static at the moment, so it was a good opportunity to do this. I wonder whether I should do something with all the photos, maybe make a zine/catalogue for myself? Maybe that's a bit *too* obsessive though :)

Next to my dolls I have all my current craft books and also my collection of handmade toys - made by both myself and other much more talented people! I've been collecting craft books for about as long as I've been collecting Blythe dolls (7+ years!). And since I have learnt to knit and crochet two years ago, many books I bought years ago are finally coming to use. My hope is to also catalogue all my books, perhaps in some sort of tumblr visual database, not only because it will look nice but also this will prevent me from buying doubles (which has embarrassingly happened more than once!). Oh well, this project will be a long one and has been on the backburner for a while.

If you think I have more than enough collections, I have very recently also become a Hatsune Miku fan! Let's hope this collection doesn't get out of hand ;)

Hopefully soon I'll be back and posting some photos of my recent knitting/crochet projects! Since I last posted here, I have learnt how to do cables, and also completed my first ever garment project. Watch this space!

1 comment:

Andi B. Goode said...

Oh my gosh. Your craft room/doll display is beautiful! I really want to catalogue my collections, too. I'd love some kind of a database, or something like that, to do it. I'm not sure how to go about it, though.
I love all your Hatsune Miku stuff, too. So cute! :D